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Virgil [Marius Brothers 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 7
Virgil [Marius Brothers 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Read online
Page 7
“Normal’s boring.” Ayden shrugged and then gave me a wink. “Now see what your mother felt and what you couldn’t understand as a child.”
“Desmond, I want to talk to you about Virgil,” she said, trying to think of how to phrase what she wanted to say. It wasn’t like there were gifted schools back then and especially not for vampires. “I worry he’s not normal.”
“What do you mean, my love? I know he’s oddly blunt and doesn’t seem to understand some things that the others have by his age, but maybe he’s just a little slow.”
“Yes, I know, but at the same time, his studies show the opposite. He learns at a rapid pace. He hasn’t been focusing like he was and I realized he was bored. He’s accelerated way past where his brothers were at his age.” She didn’t know how to help me see things in a way I would understand them. She thought if she was smarter she could explain the world and what I needed to know in a way I would understand. God, she was so hard on herself!
“So he’s smart. That’s good news,” Father said but then frowned when Mother shook her head. “Just tell me, Elena. Whatever it is we can figure it out.”
“It’s almost like he learns things backwards. I don’t understand it. Maybe I’m not able to teach him. I think he’s special, Desmond.” As much as she loved me for who I was and was proud of me, she worried how my life would be in a harsh world. “I just wish he was normal. I don’t know if I can be what he needs. He’s gifted. We have a very gifted son.”
“But with that comes something you’re worried about?” Father figured out. Mother nodded and sighed.
“Yes, he doesn’t see the world as we do. I fret over this. I’m proud of him. As his mother I love the fact that he sees things differently, is special, and his own person, smart and bright. But also I’m scared that others will pick on him or it will hurt his chances of fitting in. It’s a hard world we live in. People fear anything different.”
“Like telling Abraham Dragos he wasn’t a logical man who didn’t appreciate his own people by saying women couldn’t be warriors,” Father drawled. “Virgil’s right and his logic was astounding but I could not believe he just started telling the man that.”
“I know it was rude for a child to speak to an adult like that but part of me was just trying not to laugh. Did you see Abraham’s face?” Mother giggled, shaking her head. “But yes, like that. I know Virgil still doesn’t understand what he did wrong. He just sees we got mad at him for telling us the truth. Do you see how confusing that can be to a small boy?”
“Yes, but we can’t just excuse the behavior or he’ll make enemies. Abraham was furious. Whether Virgil is eight or not, I thought Abraham was going to slap him across the room. If I hadn’t been there he might have. Virgil could get hurt and I’d never forgive myself. We have to figure out a way to teach him propriety. It’s not right and it’s not fair, it’s just the way of the world. I’m sorry it’s going to make him feel like he’s done something wrong or it’s his fault but it will keep him safe.”
“But at what cost?” Mother whispered. “He’s special and gifted. I don’t want that crushed so he can fit the mold of a warrior and what our society says he should be as a child of a founding family.”
“That’s for him to decide when he’s older,” Father said after a few moments. “For now, we protect him. He can be whoever he wants when he’s old enough to understand it all but if we don’t help him now he could damage his future in ways that can’t be undone.”
“Right because we ever really understand life,” Mother drawled.
“Amen to that,” Father snickered. He hugged her close and kissed her cheek.
“You thought I was the good kind of special,” I whispered as we came back out of the memory.
“Of course I did,” she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You were my special little genius who saw the world in his own way. I assumed I failed you. And then it was just no longer an issue. I thought—I’m not sure what I did exactly. That was when Gabriel got hurt badly on a mission and then suddenly you changed. I supposed it was almost losing your brother that made you see the world differently. I never understood. I am so sorry you ever felt that way.”
“Me too,” I mumbled, pulling away. I got that I didn’t take everything the way it was meant but it wasn’t just that one moment that left me feeling the way I did about my family. There had been comments over the years from my brothers, calling me abnormal or that I was odd, strange, and about a dozen other names. I couldn’t just let this all go. “I need some air.”
“Please don’t leave, Virgil. We’re sorry,” Father said gently as he pulled my mother into his arms. “I don’t know what just happened but I know we love you. We can figure out whatever I’m missing here.”
“I’m just—I need—I just want—” I stuttered, never having been able to tell my parents no or hurt them.
“We’re just taking a walk outside and getting some fresh air,” Mareo said quickly before leading me to the terrace doors. “We’re not leaving.” Foma was right there and the moment we were outside I started shaking with silent sobs. “It’s okay, Virgil. Just breathe.”
“I don’t know how to process this. I want to weep for the boy I was that thought my parents were so ashamed of me,” I whispered as I sank to my knees in the grass. “Riley doesn’t like me and I wonder which of my brothers think that. Hell, it seems the only people who do are the ones who barely know me. Or maybe they do know me. Caven and Patrick like me.”
“We like you,” Foma assured me as he rubbed my back. “I think you’re amazing. You forgave us after seeing what happened. Do you know how rare that is? Most would have dragged it out and still been upset that we wanted to slip a few drinks into you to get you to loosen up.”
“What would be the point of that?” I shrugged. “I was closed off. I was scared. I understood why you did it and after seeing how long you looked for me and how desperately you wanted to find me I feel horrible I made you even have to come up with such a plan.”
“As I said, amazing,” he whispered as he kissed my cheek. “Tell us what you want, Virgil. Do you want to live in your new house you talked of in Greece? We would live there with you if you wanted.”
“Really?” Now I felt shy. I’d been so busy being pissed at them I’d not thought of a future with them.
“We like Caleb, Liam, and Lorcan, but we’re not palace people,” Mareo admitted with a shrug. “We were closer to there when we heard of the fae coming over so we decided to help our people. My family was lost to me a long time ago and Foma was an orphan from a young age. You might not want to live with your family but I don’t think moving away from them right now would be best. This house is still close, yes?”
“Yeah, like ten minutes away,” I sighed, leaning into his strong body. “It’s all done. I picked out my furniture and everything. I want to see this thing with Dubois through though. I think there’s more going on than I know.”
“How so?” Foma asked.
I bit my lower lip, wondering if they’d think I was nuts if I admitted what I could barely grasp myself. Then I decided to keep with my newfound honesty. “The amount of demons still bothers me. There’s been too many. I mean, hordes of them keep attacking. Where are they all coming from? I’m missing something.”
“Then we shall investigate this at your side until you find your answers,” Mareo assured me. How long I had waited to hear something like that and feel like I wasn’t alone always!
“Then we should get my blood despelled if we’re going to be real mates and I’m ever going to claim you,” I said quietly.
“Yes!” Foma exclaimed, tackling me to the ground in joy. I laughed as Mareo joined in, both of them kissing me silly. Oh hell, did they know how to set my body on fire. I would seriously have to send Ayden several gifts for his help. He saved my mating and handed me everything I’d ever wanted.
Chapter 6
“Are you sure?” I asked Virgil again.
Once he had decided to despell our blood we had raced inside and found the Queen. Now I was worried we were pushing him too fast with everything else he had going on.
“Yes. I forgive you both. I want this. I want to be happy and screw being normal or what I saw for my life,” he assured me again.
“But you wanted a female mate, and children, and that white picket fence.” I cupped his cheek, rubbing my thumb over his skin as I stared into those gorgeous kelly-green eyes. “I don’t want to lose you but if that’s what will make you happy then we have to let you go.”
“Don’t ever let me go.” Virgil mashed his mouth down to mine, kissing me deeply and moving his hips against me until the Queen cleared her throat. I stilled my mate, who was straddling my lap, and sighed as we pulled apart. “We can still have children if we want one day and we’ll get a damn fence. You can paint it white while shirtless and I’ll be happier than I ever would if you had boobs.”
“Good to know,” I snickered, shaking my head.
I liked how he was coming out of his shell. I knew it was hard for him but I was also proud of him. It wasn’t easy to say screw everyone and I am who I am but here he was doing it. I tilted my neck, offering it up to him, and I saw his eyes glaze over. He followed the Queen’s instructions, waiting for her to chant the words and make my blood okay for him and then he took a small sip to complete the process.
“You can take more,” I offered when he pulled away, worried and a little hurt he stopped so soon.
Virgil smiled at me and then pressed his lips to my ear. “It’s a very sacred and erotic act between mates. I take much more and we’re going to be on the floor fucking in front of your Queen and my parents. I didn’t think that’s how you wanted them to get to know you.”
“No, that would be awkward,” I agreed. He gave me a quick kiss before sliding off my lap. I watched as he did the exact same thing with Mareo and then it was over. Our blood was officially safe for him to drink and he’d never need another to give him sustenance of that kind. Just as we were finishing up, Barnabas, the Queen’s grandson and head of the High Council here, came into the kitchen.
“The Council will be assembling in a bit to hear what Virgil has found out. We should leave.”
“Wait, you want me to speak to the High Council?” Virgil exclaimed, almost falling off Mareo’s lap. “No. Someone else can do it.”
“Someone else might be able to repeat what you said but they won’t know the answers to any additional questions that might be asked,” Barnabas explained with a tight smile. “We need you to do it, Virgil. I’m sorry. Time is of the essence and lives are at stake. I hate to ask this of you but your people need you.”
“Fine, okay,” Virgil mumbled, his good mood gone just like that.
“We’ll be right there with you,” Mareo assured him as they stood and we hugged him together. “Then we can have some time to ourselves while they discuss their options. Yes?”
“I’d like that.” I smiled as Virgil’s cheeks heated up, obviously understanding that we wanted him to claim us. “And then maybe you’d like to see the house?”
“Whatever you’d like, our mate,” I agreed, giving him a loud kiss. He snickered and rolled his eyes at my antics. That’s what I’d been going for. We quickly collected his tablet and some sandwiches for the drive since our mate still hadn’t gotten a chance to eat.
Virgil wanted to take his own car so we could come and go as we wanted, but Mareo asked if the wolf Alpha he was related to could join us. We needed him for a personal matter which is why he had put the call in to the Queen.
“Caven, Gabriel, could you guys ride with us?” Virgil called out as his family was getting into several different cars. “I’m sure you can catch a ride back with someone later because we’re going to leave right away but I want to talk with you guys.”
“Yeah, sure,” the man who looked just like our mate agreed. That had to be Gabriel. Mareo told me to drive so that Virgil could eat and he’d hop in the back of the SUV to talk to the Alpha.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked quietly. “I don’t want Virgil to worry we still have feelings for Jordy. He’s got so much going on and we need to put our mate first.”
“I know, but Jordy’s our friend. Whatever is going on in his pack, we can’t just leave him there and not help. We promised. Virgil’s a good man and will understand.”
I nodded. It was the right thing to do. I just didn’t want to upset Virgil, especially after he’d just forgiven us. I got in the driver’s seat as Mareo got in the one behind me, glancing in the rearview mirror when I heard him groan.
“And of course you heard all that because you’re an Alpha wolf,” my mate mumbled once we were all in and seat belts on. “We can explain.”
“All I heard is you’re trying to do right by your friend while taking Virgil’s feelings into consideration,” Caven said gently as I started up the car. I glanced at Virgil who had turned in his seat and was watching what was going on like a tennis match that confused him. Shit. “Which is good because I adore Virgil and would be really pissed if you still had feelings for another man.”
“It’s not like that,” I blurted out as I glanced at our mate. “As you were involved with someone but ended it before we met, we were too. Except we ended it when we found you. But it wasn’t serious. Not on either side. But we like him. He’s our friend and he needs our help.”
“I’m not mad,” Virgil chuckled before biting his sandwich. I pulled out of the parking spot in the massive garage and followed the caravan of vehicles. At least I didn’t need directions to where we were going. “You’ve had sex before me? Oh no, alert the media! I get it. It’s all good. I’m not going to shun the wolves I was sleeping with because I found you guys. All that matters now is how we feel about each other and that no one else is on our hearts.”
“No, only you and Mareo, I swear,” I assured him and sighed in relief.
“Virgil, you were sleeping with members of my pack?” Caven asked with big eyes. “How did I not know this?”
“Because I asked them not to tell since I didn’t know how to process what I wanted suddenly and they were good friends and never told. It’s not the Alpha’s business to know who’s sleeping with whom, Caven.”
“Right, no, sorry, I know that, it’s just, I didn’t see that coming,” the little Alpha rambled. “Well, I’m glad they were loyal and good to you. Yeah, good, okay.”
“So our friend, Jordy, asked us if we could talk to the wolf Alpha in this coven when he found out we’d discovered our mate and he was from here,” Mareo hedged. “We didn’t know this because we would have helped sooner or given him sanctuary, but he’s having problems with his pack. He wants out but his Alpha won’t let him leave and none of the packs around him will go against his Alpha.”
“Did he tell you why he’s in trouble or what was the reason he wanted to leave?” Caven asked after a moment of thought.
“No, he wouldn’t tell us. He said wolf business is supposed to stay in the pack but I bet he’d tell you,” I answered. “I can tell you that Jordy’s a nice guy. Caleb can attest to that as well. He’s sweet, loyal, kind, shy, and just a good person.”
“If I didn’t know you liked me so much I might start to get jealous now,” Virgil mumbled quietly as he stared at his sandwich.
“I have a lot more adjectives that I feel about you, my mate,” I said, letting my voice get husky as I took his free hand. “I will gladly list them for you later when you’re drinking from me.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” I gave him a wink before focusing back on the road.
“Yeah, I don’t know the answer to that either,” Mareo said, getting back to Caven’s question. “He just said he always seems to be in trouble no matter what he does.” There was a pause and I glanced in the mirror to see him staring at Caven funny.
“What do you see? The eyes?” I asked, meeting his gaze when it snapped to mine. “Yeah, I thought that odd too.”
“That’s what it is!” Mareo exclaimed as he tapped my arm as if showing me he was grateful for the answer. “I couldn’t put my finger on it but you’re right. He’s got Jordy’s eyes. I thought it was contacts Jordy wore or something.”
“Wait, back up,” Caven said firmly. “This wolf has purple eyes like mine?”
“Yeah, is that a big deal? We’ve never seen a wolf with them before,” Mareo said.
“Yeah, it’s a really big deal and I’m worried I might know what his pack’s doing to him,” Caven growled as he pulled out his phone. “Does he have any siblings?”
“I don’t know,” I answered. Shit. What had we walked into now?
“Get him on the phone and find out,” Caven ordered. “Also how fast he wants out of there. I’m calling Elder Dawson and letting him know there’s a Kappa who wants out of their pack. He’s more than welcome to join mine and tell him we’ve got Kappas here so he won’t be alone or mistreated.”
“Right, okay, sure, thanks,” Mareo rambled. I glanced at Virgil and he gave me a smile. I wasn’t sure what was going on but I knew that wasn’t a happy smile. It was more an I’ll fill you in later and it’s going to be okay gesture. Crap.
* * * *
“Hey, Jordy, can you talk?” I asked quietly as I turned towards the window of the vehicle.
“Yeah, um, sure, but not freely,” he mumbled and then I heard a sniffle. “Someone heard what I asked of you and I got in trouble. I’m not allowed to leave the Alpha house and my Alpha resigned my position for me. Thanks for trying though and it was nice knowing—”
“This isn’t over, Jordy,” I growled. “The Alpha here in America knows one of your elders. He has purple eyes like you and says there’s Kappas in the pack so if you want to come here he can get you out and you’ll be treated well here. Alpha Caven wants to know if you have siblings?”
“No, it’s just me,” he whispered. “Can he really help me?”