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Golden [Bedtime stories 1] Page 6

  “Do you love him?”

  “I don’t know.” I turned my head enough to look into his eyes. “Are you mad?”

  “No, not at all,” he chuckled and brushed his lips over mine. “When I realized I wanted you to be my mate I worried I’d have to share my mate with my two brothers. Bash ends up being straight and marrying that pretty girl from the village. There’s enough love in you to go around, Golden. I know I would be just as loved if you wanted to be with Boris as well.”

  “Yeah, I just don’t know what I want.”

  “Do you want me?”

  “Yes, of course but—”

  “Then nothing else matters and we’ll figure out the rest as we go along,” Boone said gently as he sat up. I wasn’t sure what he was doing but he lifted me into his arms and carried me out of the room. “You need to eat.”

  “Oh, right, that,” I mumbled as I buried my face into his neck. I was embarrassed that I had run now that I knew he loved me. I was also not loving the fact that I was somewhat useless with my injury. My arm was wrapped against my body and it hurt a bit even to use my hand. It was all connected after all.

  Boone sat me down on the kitchen table and proceeded to throw together something quick for me. I still wasn’t really hungry. I heard a grunt and glanced out the window. Boris was chopping wood and had quite a pile already.

  “Wow, it must get really cold here in the winter if he’s starting on the wood in May and has that much already,” I said to Boone as I politely nibbled on the bread on my plate.

  “No, not really,” he chuckled as he set a mug of ale on the table next to me. I wasn’t a big drinker but I think we both knew some booze would help with the pain. “He does that when he’s upset. It’s his way of getting out his anger. Sometimes if there’s enough we’d ask one of Bash’s friends to sell it in town.”

  “Oh, I could see him being angry that the curse isn’t broken for him.” I didn’t want to focus on that right now because Boone was so happy that he was back to normal. But it had to be hard for Boris.

  “That’s not why he’s so upset, my love.” My head snapped in his direction at the endearment. I wasn’t used to it or his feelings yet so they kept catching me off guard.

  “Bash is getting married and leaving?” I wouldn’t think Boris would be like that but it would be hard losing the baby of the family when Boris couldn’t leave the woods to go visit.

  “No, Boris is a good brother and wants what’s best for us and makes us happy,” Boone confirmed. I smiled and nodded. Good, that’s the way family should be. “You ran, Golden.” He held up a hand when I went to apologize. “I know I didn’t help but it really wasn’t me you were running from. You ran from him when he opened himself up to you. He thinks he’s lost you.”

  “I’m not sure he really ever had me but for a few moments when I wasn’t scared of him,” I admitted. “I can’t believe he’s upset over me.”

  Boone stared at me for several moments while I ate, making me uncomfortable enough to squirm under his gaze. “You really don’t see yourself for who you are, do you, Golden?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What did your father do to you to make you this blind to how wonderful you are?” He didn’t wait for me to answer, reaching over and cupping my cheek as he continued. “You’re gorgeous in a way I’ve never seen another man be. You’re sweet and tender. What man uses his own money to buy food and supplies for men who bought him as a slave and tries as hard as you do to make things better? You’re amazing and Boris is broken over the idea that you will never be his again.”

  “So it always boils down to sex with him because that’s the only way he ever had me,” I bit out.

  “No, it’s not about the sex, Golden. He held you, tended to you after being intimate. He cares for you even if he didn’t show it like I did.”

  I sighed and mulled over what he said as I kept eating. Men. I would never figure them out.

  * * * * “ Your shoulder looks healed but I’d still be careful with it for the next week or so,” Boone told me a few days later. We’d been behaving sexually since I was injured and it was killing me that he hadn’t claimed me yet when it was what we both wanted.

  “ Then claim me,” I blurted out, my cheeks heating up with how forward that sounded.

  “My pleasure,” he growled playfully as he yanked off his shirt. Moments later we were naked in my bed as he reached for the oil I’d purchased. He slicked up his fingers and pushed one into my ass as I spread my body out for him. “Will you be mine forever, Golden?”

  “Yes, yes, I want you always.” I gasped in bliss as he rubbed over my pleasure gland.

  “Thank god because I’d die without you,” he whispered before kissing me. Boone and I had become so much closer while I was injured. Closer than I thought two people could ever become. We discussed books and our childhood and family and everything under the sun. We were a perfect match in every way.

  Boris on the other hand I had barely seen. He worked constantly and avoided me as if I had the plague. Things were never going to get better if we didn’t at least talk soon because we couldn’t go on like this.

  “Beautiful,” Boone cooed as he pushed in another finger. He watched the way his digits parted my hole for him, enjoying the view of my body yielding to him and us being joined. I’d also learned he was very visual. We might not have had sex, but we still were intimate. Boone liked to watch my pleasure as he gave me more oral sex than I thought possible in a few days.

  And he liked to touch. There was rarely a time when he didn’t have his hands on me even if it was as simple as having his hand on my thigh while we ate. He was affectionate and perfect.

  Yet, I still thought of Boris at times. I loved Boone, I truly did with all my heart. Maybe I was just selfish for wanting them both. Even if Boris and I never were together again, it pained me that he was hurting because of me. Now that I was better and after Boone claimed me I was going to confront him and fix that.

  “You still with me?” Boone asked hesitantly as he sawed his fingers back and forth.

  “Yes, just amazed at how wonderful you are and that I’m so lucky to have found you,” I answered, not wanting to admit everything I’d been thinking. It was the truth but now was not the time to bring up his brother.

  “And here I was thinking the same thing about you,” he chuckled. We shared a deep kiss as he kept stretching me. When I was ready he pulled his fingers free and gently entered me. “I’ll be gentle and bite your other shoulder so you don’t injure yourself during this or I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “I can lie still,” I teased. Boone had made several comments that as soon as he touched me that my response was needy and I was incapable of staying still. It was true. I swear my hips had a mind of their own at times.

  He’d also explained to me that bear shifters bit their mates when claiming them and the mark became permanent. He also said that he’d been told it became an erogenous zone but couldn’t know that for sure because he’d been very young at the time. Either way, it would be worth it to be Boone’s mate.

  “I love you, Golden,” he whispered in my ear as he slowly moved his hips. “You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a mate.”

  “I love you too. You are perfect to me, Boone.” I used my good arm to hold him closer as I let my other one stay still. When he started to thrust slightly harder, I wrapped my leg over his hip so he could go deeper.

  “Oh god you feel good. I never remember just how wonderful until I’m back inside of you.”

  “Maybe you should never leave my body then,” I purred as his hand ran down my body. He moved it under my ass and squeezed tight, helping me move to him on each thrust. “Make me come all over you, Boone. I’ve missed this and needed it.”

  “Me too, my love.” He held me close as he kissed along my shoulder where it met my neck. “Are you ready? Will you be mine forever?”

  “Yes and yes,” I panted as he started moving faster. I was r
ight there and just neededa push over… Which it seemed his teeth gave me. He sunk them into my flesh and stars flashed behind my eyes as I cried out in bliss. I came so hard I swear my body was convulsing. I screamed Boone’s name and held his head to me as I filled the space between us with my release.

  “Mine!” He snarled as he pumped faster and harder. He grunted around my skin as he filled me with his seed. I moaned at the feeling, loving that I could bring him such pleasure. Boone kept moving his hips, letting my body drain his cock of every drop.

  “Sweet heavens!” I gasped, trying to get enough air into my lungs. “That was unbelievable.”

  “It was,” he purred as he held me and rolled us so I was lying across his large frame.“We’re bonded forever now, Golden. We’ve mated and are married in the ways of my people.”

  “Good,” I giggled, giddy at the idea. “I’m your husband then and I demand a repeat performance at least once a day.”

  “Just once?” I lifted my head enough to see his smiling face. We both burst out laughing as we basked in the glory of what we’d just shared.

  A little while later we got up and Boone gave me a luxurious bath, stating I was precious to him and would be treated as such. I felt like the most important thing in the world to him and never wanted it to end. I wouldn’t let it but that didn’t mean there weren’t other things I needed to handle.


  Chapter 8

  Boris had done everything in his power to avoid me the next week. He didn’t take meals with us, working all hours, and riding his horse all over the forest. Hell, I fell asleep a few times trying to wait up for him in the kitchen, much to Boone’s aggravation. He understood but he didn’t like the way the situation was stressing me out.

  I was pretty sure he wasn ’t happy that Boris was so upset either, but he couldn’t fix things between Boris and I. It had to be hard on him especially because my heart was breaking for the man I shouldn’t care for but did.

  Finally I decided to wait for him in the barn. He couldn ’t just walk by me there or ignore me if I fell asleep. I drank a bunch of coffee and waited until well after the moon had fully risen. It paid off because I was wide awake when he came back that night.

  “ Let’s get you something to eat,” Boris said gently to his horse as he dismounted. “You need a break. I’m sorry I’ve been riding you so hard lately.”

  “ Are you sorry you’ve been ditching me too?” I asked as I stepped out from the shadows. I wore nothing but a dressing gown and my sandals… And it was see-through.

  “ Go to bed, Golden,” he bit out, intentionally not looking at me. I let him tend to his horse as I made my way to the door. He’d have to run me over to get out now and the moon was behind me so I knew he would see I had nothing underneath the dressing gown. When he was done he turned and gasped, thinking I had left. “Why are you doing this?”

  “ You’ve been avoiding me at all costs and I figured you couldn’t ignore me if I was dressed like this.”

  “You are my brother’s mate,” he growled as he took a few steps towards me, his hands shaking. “You should not be behaving like this with another man!”

  “You’re not just any other man, Boris, and we both know that,” I whispered as I undid the tie at my neck and let the gown fall open. “I know Boone told you that he has no problem if you have me as well. So what is your problem?”

  “I thought I scared you?” he asked quietly as he stepped closer. His eyes were full of lust, even I could see it in the moonlight. I wanted to slap him when he reached out and then dropped his hand.

  “You do at times but I saw something in you that made me want more,” I countered as I stepped closer. His whole body shivered as I took his hand and brought it to my lips. “If you tell me you don’t want me, I’ll leave and never bother you again. But you can’t keep avoiding me, Boris.”

  “I don’t want you upset anymore and all I do is give you grief.”

  “That’s not all you’ve done for me,” I purred as I moved his other hand over my hip and to my ass. I had already stretched myself out and used copious amounts of oil so I’d be ready for him. “Wouldn’t you be willing just to control your temper a little bit to be with me? I’m not asking you to change, Boris. But the threats and harsh words need to stop.”

  He moaned as he brought both hands to my ass and squeezed before his fingers ran over my crack. “Why is there oil there?”

  “I think you know why.” I jumped up, knowing he would catch me, and he didn’t fail me, wrapping me around his large frame. “Be honest with me for once, Boris. What do you want? Did you really ever want me as your slave?”

  “No. I just want you, Golden. I feel like all I’ve ever wanted was you,” he whispered in my ear as he licked along my neck. “The moment I saw you I knew my life would never be the same and I’d never want another.”

  “Then why have you been avoiding me? Why fight so hard to put distance between us?”

  “Because I’m a very big idiot.” I think his brain was losing blood too fast to talk much anymore because I felt where it was going against my ass. “I just can’t be what you want, Golden. You can’t tempt me like this.”

  “Like I want? To not be so angry and say horrid things to me? That’s too much to ask?” I couldn’t understand that. I leaned back in his arms to look into his eyes. They filled with tears and I realized I was missing something big here.

  “I deserve this curse, baby,” he admitted as his shoulders slumped. “I can’t tell you how I feel and mate you like you are with Boone. I can’t have the curse lifted.”

  “That’s bullshit!” I exclaimed, pissed beyond words that he would willingly punish himself like this. “Put me down!” He did and I grabbed his hand. I had come up with a plan B option that I hoped I wouldn’t need. But now I did for other reasons. “If you didn’t love me that’s one thing, Boris, but this is ridiculous.”

  “Golden, if you only knew—”

  “I know what happened, Boris,” I said, cutting him off. He followed me, lost in his own world which helped me because he was going to fight this next part and I wasn’t strong enough to force him. “Sit down.” I pointed to a bale of hay I had placed there. “We’re going to talk.”

  “Okay.” He nodded sadly as if he’d been sentenced to the gallows. He plopped down on it and I moved behind him like I was going to rub his shoulders.

  “Hands behind your back,” I whispered as I kissed by his ear. He did as I wanted with a moan. Then as quickly as I could I shackled his hands to the chains in the wall. I didn’t think they had been there for prisoners, maybe if they had to do something to the horses that they wouldn’t like, but it was helpful for me right then.

  “What are you doing?” His eyes went wide as he pulled against them. “You know I can break out of these, right?”

  “Probably but I’m asking that you don’t,” I said gently as I moved around him. He gazed over my body, ending on my face and staring into my eyes with questions. “I’m asking you do this one thing for me, Boris. Don’t break those chains and be honest with me. Well, two things then.”

  “For you I will do it,” he conceded after a few moments. I nodded and lost my dressing gown. Then I went to work on his pants and undid his shirt so it fell down his arms. “You’re chaining me down for sex?”

  “No, it’s not about the sex,” I explained as I slid my leg over his lap, making sure his cock rubbed against my slicked-up hole. “Because you can’t run from the intimacy and my questions. Understand one thing, Boris. If we can’t resolve these issues it will be the last time you have me.”

  “You’re going to withhold sex from me to get what you want?” He growled, clearly not liking the idea.

  I froze and simply stared at him a moment. “If that’s what you truly think of me then I will just let you go right now and we should be done.” His face fell as he realized how bad what he said sounded.

  “No, I know you would never manipulate me like that. It’s jus
t how the situation seems. I’m sorry.”

  “Good because I might be manipulating you a bit but it’s not for me,” I whispered as I lowered myself onto his cock. Then I let go, letting my weight slowly take more of him into me. I reached up and took his face in my hands. “I would be happy the rest of my life being with you in this form, Boris. I’m attracted and think you’re handsome just the way you are. This isn’t about me.”

  “What’s it about then?” he asked, biting his lip to keep in a moan and probably not thrust into me so he was fully seated in my hole.

  “You forgiving yourself.” His eyes went wide but I kissed him before he could answer. My arms snaked around his neck as our chests rubbed and my ass hit his thighs. “How old were you when you all became orphans?”

  “Twenty-one, but—”

  “No buts,” I growled and started moving my hips. “You were barely a man, Boris. You were the oldest so it was up to you to find a new home. I wouldn’t have known this forest was inhabited. There are no signs, no warnings. How were you to know?”

  “The choices I made led us here and to end up cursed,” he yelled as he thrust up. “It’s my fault!”

  “No!” I shouted and smacked his shoulder hard. “It was the witch’s fault. A normal person would have said, hey, this is my land, please leave. You would have apologized for the mistake and left, no harm, no foul. The curse was never your fault but a crazy lady’s overreacting. People like that just look for excuses to make others miserable. You’ve suffered seven years with this, Boris. Boone and Bash harbor no ill will against you for what happened. Let it go.”

  “I can’t,” he admitted as his eyes filled with tears.

  “Yes you can. I forgive you, they forgive you, everyone forgives you for what’s transpired but you.” I took a deep breath, ready to drop the bomb on the next part. “Breaking the curse is the first step in that.” I made sure to move my hips faster and he made happy noises as I stared into his eyes. “I don’t want you to do it for me, but if you really feel for me the way you say and won’t just tell me to punish yourself.