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Ferris Braden [Beyond the Marius Brothers 6] Page 5

  “I didn’t think many from your neck of the woods would support that cause,” Digger said carefully as he extended his hand. “Digger Slane. I’m Barnabas’s mate, and this is our other mate, Miles Juniper.”

  “A pleasure to meet you both. Ferris has said nothing but wonderful things about the warriors he knows and this coven. I’m grateful you invited us to dinner.” He bit his lower lip then when he looked at Digger. “To answer what you were asking, we lost some of our own when the twin towers went down, one I knew quite well.

  “They were there to branch out their business and had a meeting with a company there. The kicker was it was supposed to be the day before but their flight got delayed. One survived at first but went back in to help others and didn’t come back out.”

  “I’m very sorry for your loss,” Digger said sadly. “It was a hard day for all and the violence of it just bewilders me. You never hurt the innocent, never.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Rylan replied. “Anyways, that was a while ago and while it will always be in my heart, we have more pressing matters today. You all know Ferris, but I wasn’t sure if you know my other mate, Onah.”

  “Yes, he’s been staying with us. My grandmother told me she sent him on an important assignment today.” Bas laughed as we headed into the house.

  “Is not meeting your mates an assignment of the most importance?” a musical voice from a beautiful woman asked as Queen Magdalena walked towards us.

  “Your highness, thank you,” Onah said as he dropped down to one knee. “As confusing as it was, I never doubted it would be important. I thank you a million times for sharing your foresight with me and leading me to my mates.”

  “Yes, thank you, your highness.” I dropped to one knee as well. While I normally called her by that title, I was more of a slight bow kind of guy.

  “And who is our other guest, my grandson?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow to Rylan. I glanced at our mate and did a double take at the angry look he was giving us. “I assume you informed him who I am?”

  “He did, but since I am royalty as well, I don’t bow, your highness,” Rylan answered as he took her hand and kissed it. Then he snarled in our direction. “And neither should my mates now.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know,” I said quickly as I got to my feet, Onah staying where he was though.

  “She is my Queen, Rylan. I am her warrior and have pledged my loyalty to her. I might be your mate but I am still her subject.” Onah didn’t look happy he’d been chastised either.

  “Of course, forgive me. I should have discussed this with you both on the drive over,” Rylan said, giving us a tight smile.

  “Does it really matter?” I blurted out, not wanting issues already when we’d just been so happy on the drive over. “We’re not enemies or somewhere unfriendly.” Apparently it did, because they all looked at me as if I was dense… All except Bas.

  “Grandma, this is Prince Rylan Zeev of the ruling clan of margays, heir to the throne,” Bas said carefully. “And my vote is no, it doesn’t matter. We’re in my house and all friends.” Onah had stood while this was going on, curiously watching Rylan as if to see what came next.

  “Ahh, I guess you didn’t grow up at court,” Rylan replied lightly. “Her highness and I were probably taught the same thing about showing respect.”

  “You never bow to another monarch because it shows you see them as superior to you,” Queen Magdalena agreed.

  “But she outranks you, right?” Wow, I needed to learn when to shut my mouth. “You’re not King yet.”

  “No, but I kissed her hand and gave her an acknowledging head dip,” Rylan answered. “As my mates the custom would be for you to give a half bow and kiss her hand as well.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine, I reacted badly,” he said, his normal smile back in place. “You’re not used to living under a monarchy. And you are right, my wonderful mate. We are all friends here.”

  “Indeed,” the Queen replied with her own smile. “I’m quite partial to Ferris. He was very generous in giving his time to help my people acclimate to this land. Anyone worthy of him would be honored to have such a mate.” The implication was clear. Rylan had better appreciate me or have her to deal with.

  I blinked at her in shock, touched by what she said. I wasn’t sure I’d ever had anyone care enough about me to threaten another person on my behalf.

  “And Onah is one of my most trusted, fierce warriors. I always knew the person who fate gave him as a mate would be very lucky indeed.”

  “I’ve been twice blessed. I might be a Prince, but I’m not pompous as some can be. I find most completely insufferable and I’m grateful at who fate chose for me.”

  “Good.” She gave a swift nod and turned to Bas.

  “I know the diplomatic game. My father raised me to understand how to navigate the waters, but you two take it to a whole other level. I’m kind of glad I didn’t grow up that way.” Bas shook his head and walked away. I wasn’t sure who was more shocked, the Queen or my mate.

  We all quickly trailed after him, Magdalena catching up with him before he sat down.

  “Forgive me, Bas,” she said quietly as she hugged her grandson. “It’s not just myself I speak for but a whole people. I gather you like this man from your reaction and I’m glad, but just because he’s your ally does not make him the fae’s automatically. We can’t be seen as weak ever or it could be to our peril.”

  “She’s right and that’s why I did the same thing,” Rylan agreed with a sigh. “I meant no offense but my people aren’t many and we’re small shifters. Lots equate that as being weak. It’s not easy being in a position as your grandmother and I are. One false move at times and it starts a shit storm of epic proportions and I’m already going to be in trouble for even being here.”

  “Which is why I got upset,” Bas said quietly, kissing the Queen’s cheek before stepping away from her. “I invited you here because we need your help and you came to give it to us knowing your father would be furious. I wanted you to feel welcome, at ease with an informal dinner.”

  “Then I apologize to you both. I care deeply for Onah and want him to be happy. Ferris too. I didn’t mean to start trouble.”

  “No, you didn’t,” Rylan chuckled as we all stood by our chairs. I noticed he waited until the Queen and Bas sat before he did as well. I wasn’t sure I got the significance of that, but whatever. “You have to understand something, Bas. You see someone you know and it’s ingrained in you to ask how they’ve been, right?”

  “Of course. It’s only polite,” Bas agreed as his staff served us some type of soup that made my mouth water just by the smell.

  “What we did in the hallway is as ingrained in us as that. It’s how we were raised. You meet another leader or royal and you basically sniff their ass to see if they’re friend or foe. You did it to me when we were on the phone.”

  “I didn’t realize I was sniffing your butt then,” Bas giggled. “My mates won’t like that.”

  “No, not even remotely,” Miles drawled before eating some soup.

  “We have a spy that’s feeding the demons information. I just needed to feel you out to make sure you weren’t here for nefarious reasons.”

  “You have a spy?” Rylan asked tightly, waiting for Bas to wince and nod. “Great. That makes my being here that much worse. They could report that we met and suddenly you knew demons found a way to walk in the sun, even if it’s limited.”

  “I told no one about you coming over and I know everyone in this household to be loyal. The fae haven’t even been here long enough to understand most of what’s going on,” Bas assured my mate. He nodded, but didn’t seem all that relieved.

  “And I told Travis we were going out to eat to celebrate finding each other so he didn’t look for me later since I’m on the Kappas’ protection detail.”

  “Either way, I’m not going to leave you hanging when you need to know this information,” Rylan said tiredly.
“Our blood and several other kinds of shifters don’t affect vampires and demons as the wolves’ do. Whereas theirs increases strength, endurance, and the libido, ours has double that effect without the libido part. Only my mate will receive that side effect.”

  “Oh goodie,” I chuckled, thinking of the stories I’d heard when Darcy and Ayden had mated. “Wouldn’t want to miss out on that part.”

  “No you won’t,” Rylan agreed, giving me a heated gaze.

  “Anyways,” Digger drawled, biting his lip to keep from laughing. “I think we need to talk with Riley. He’s been working with some of the wolves and Rory to see if there was a way to get that side effect out of their blood so it would just help us be stronger and faster.”

  “I know you didn’t just imply he has a new test subject or blood source,” Rylan said darkly.

  “I really just meant that if there is blood like that, some that doesn’t have the libido side effect, then maybe there’s hope,” Digger replied in the same tone. “But even if I didn’t, would it really be so wrong to give him a sample of your blood to help save lives?”

  “A sample? No, I would agree to that immediately. But you said working with them, implying more than once, and I won’t be signed up for that.” He turned to me and raised an eyebrow. “You know this Riley?”

  “He’s the coven doctor and a lot like you actually. He went to human medical school because unlike previous vampire doctors I’ve known, he doesn’t look down on humans. He learned a lot and has been a huge help in the war against the demons. Riley and another friend of ours, Stefan, invented the ultraviolet ammunition that kills demons and has drastically cut down on injuries and loss of life for the warriors.”

  “Very commendable,” my mate replied, his expression showing he was impressed. “If Ferris trusts Riley, then I’m fine with bringing him in on this conversation. As long as he knows it’s to be confidential and not let it get out that I was the one who provided the—” Rylan’s phone vibrated in his pocket and he sighed.

  “Not a call you want to take?” I asked gently.

  “I’d bet my savings it’s my father and given what I’m doing right now and how he’d oppose it, not really. Excuse me. He worries if I don’t answer.” He stood and pulled out his phone, shaking his head and confirming he was right. “Hello, Father.”

  “Rylan, where are you?” the man asked, his tone panicked. Everyone at the table could hear the conversation and we were instantly on alert at the tone of the man’s voice. “If you’re on your way home, you need to run. We’re under attack.”

  “What?” Ry gasped, clutching the chair in front of him with his free hand. “Who?”

  “Demons. They’ve breached the palace. Son, whatever has transpired between us, you need to know I’ve always been proud of you and I love you.”

  “No,” he sobbed, falling to his knees. “Get out of there, Father.”

  “It’s too late for us. Save yourself and rule our people well. We love you.” There was shouting in the background and then the line disconnected.

  “Hit your panic button,” Miles ordered Barnabas as everyone leapt to their feet. He did and there was a loud siren blaring. “Your highness, can you open a portal?”

  “Yes,” the Queen said immediately. “We need weapons.” I scooped Rylan up into my arms, knowing full well he’d gone into shock. “I need him coherent to read his mind on where we’re going.”

  “I’m here,” Rylan whispered, his gaze snapping to hers. “What do you mean a portal? Why are you getting weapons? They’re in Italy.”

  “Queen Magdalena can open a door to anywhere,” Onah said gently. “This isn’t over yet, baby.”

  “Please, just help them and you can have all the blood in my body,” Rylan gushed. I set him on his feet once we were at the weapons hold they had hidden in the foyer.

  “Barnabas, I suggest you start teleporting warriors here where the portal will be. We don’t know how many invaded them,” the Queen said quietly.

  “On it,” he agreed and disappeared. There was a flurry of movement after that. At least two dozen fae warriors came racing from everywhere in the estate, wanting to know what was going on. Miles filled them in as Queen Magdalena focused on Rylan.

  “Where would they hide in your palace? Where would they go? I need to see the room exactly to open a door to there.”

  “I don’t know,” Rylan whispered, his despair almost debilitating even to me. His eyes went wide then. “My father has a collection of weapons and swords in his study. I’d go there.” He closed his eyes and his brows furrowed in thought.

  “I have it,” the Queen said quietly before turning to the rest of us who were finishing getting what we needed. “Follow as you’re ready. Be prepared for anything and if anyone dies I’m going to kick your backsides in the afterlife.”

  “Yes, your highness.” The chorus came back. She chanted something under her breath and a bright doorway appeared.

  “Your stomachs might roll so be careful,” she warned as she went to step through.

  “You’re not going first,” Onah growled and moved her aside. I agreed. We went in first. I wasn’t even going to try and tell Rylan not to come because if it had been my family, nothing could have kept me away. But then again, I knew how it felt to have demons kill the ones you love.

  I walked into the light and my head felt like someone was squeezing it in a vise with the pressure and change in everything simply by walking through a door. I came out the other side and immediately rolled to the ground to avoid the demon launching at me. Aiming my gun, I got it before it had a chance to attack anyone else coming through the door.

  “Keep the portal clear,” I shouted to the few of us that were on this side. “Cover fire as they come through.”

  “I can do better than that,” Onah growled and shot flames out of his hands. Oh, I wanted to see that trick later. Unfortunately, there was more than just his shooting fire to be distracted with. There was blood everywhere and I saw an arm I didn’t want to think about. I would when the bad guys were dead. Until then, I had to keep my head in the game.

  Another dozen warriors came through, along with the Queen, and jumped right into the fray. We fought our way out of the study and into the hallway. There were demons everywhere. I’d never seen an attack of this scale, this organized.

  “Die, mother fuckers!” Rylan bellowed as he opened fire on a side hallway that had more demons. I was impressed how good of a shot my little mate was and that he had such a warrior’s heart. When we cleared it we saw a small shifter who was clutching his neck. Rylan darted over to him and dove to his knees. “Where are the others, Ringo?”

  The man coughed up blood trying to speak. Oh shit.

  “We need help here!” I shouted down the hall. The Queen raced over and touched the man’s throat for a moment before jumping right back into the fray.

  “Ballroom, Prince Rylan. They were going to barricade themselves in the ballroom.”

  I grabbed one of the warriors as he went to run by. “Get this man through the portal so he’s safe.” He nodded and picked the man up, racing back towards the study.

  “Lead the way,” Onah said to Rylan as we grouped back together. He nodded and took off, making sure to run slowly enough that we could keep up. I knew we were all pushing ourselves as hard as we could. Every second counted.

  When we got to the ballroom, whatever barricade they had put up hadn’t held. We walked through the busted double doors and saw shifters darting around the room, faster than I could even keep up with. They had that advantage, but it was very obvious they had no weapons training when they went in for the attack.

  We jumped right in and I lost sight of Rylan and Onah as I kept shooting demon after demon. I ducked one attack when I had to reload my automatic rifle. When I went back to taking aim, I couldn’t get over how many there were. They were like cockroaches… Kill one and another sprang up. How could we have had this many vampires turn evil? I didn’t understand it.
  Granted, there were millions of vampires across the world, many more than anyone would ever have believed, but still! There had to be another explanation. Maybe they’d found a way to turn humans?

  Another twenty minutes of fighting and the dust settled. I scanned the room to make sure we got them all and saw Rylan sobbing over a couple of people. Fuck.

  “I’m sorry, Rylan,” the Queen said gently as she knelt next to them. “She was too far gone for me to save and your father was already departed.”

  “I know,” he whispered, wiping his eyes. “Thank you for trying and sending in your warriors. At least we saved some.” He leaned over and kissed each of his parents’ foreheads. “I’m so sorry. I will miss you both always.” I was shocked when he got to his feet.

  “Baby, just take a moment,” I said gently as I pulled him into my arms.

  “I can’t.” Rylan looked up into my eyes and shook his head. “My mother said that my brother’s in the panic room in father’s study. I have to go get him.”

  “Okay, sweetie.” I walked back that way with him, wrapping my arm around his sagging shoulders. I met Onah’s questioning gaze at the doorway to the ballroom and shook my head, letting him know Rylan’s parents didn’t make it.

  “Where are we going?” he asked as he fell in step with us.

  “Rylan’s mother told him that she put his younger brother in the panic room before she died,” I answered quietly.

  “Not just younger brother,” Rylan sniffled, shaking his head. “Baby brother as in he’s not even a year old. He’ll never get to know his parents now.”

  “I’m so sorry, Ry,” Onah said gently. Once we heard there was a baby in the panic room, we picked up the pace a bit. I mean, not to say we weren’t worried about a kid, I was more worried about my mate still moving after his parents died. A kid could wait a bit in a secured room. A baby? Not so much.

  I let him go when we got to the study, watching as our kitty punched in the code in a hidden keypad. A door I wouldn’t have been able to even tell was there at first glance popped open to reveal a baby lying quietly in his bassinet, staring up at us with the same bright orange eyes Rylan had.